I am so excited that it is finally summer. But you can't tell by the weather lately, before you know it will get very hot soon and then we would wish for the cloudy weather back.
This summer should be great! I have it all planned out. I am going to go with Jay a lot in the truck hopefully somewhere exciting or maybe I will get to go to Washington to see Jennifer or possibly to Indiana to see Rocky.
I am also working a little at the summer lunch program to earn extra money for Lacey's drivers ed and school fees. Easy come easy go.
And the Big adventure will be girls camp at Cinnamon Creek it will be so fun to spend time with my daughter and drive her crazy.
We are also going to go camping a lot in our new trailer. Our plans are to go to California in July if we can scrape up a little more money. But if not we will go somewhere closer to home but it should be just as fun!
We will still be raising a lamb for FFA which is takes a lot of our time but well worth it.
With all these plans I hope to relax a little and just do fun things like spend some time with my sister Tammy, go to movies and swimming or just hanging out together.
Peter will also be visiting us from school in June. Not that I will see him much he has all his time scheduled for fun with his friends. But we will get to see him graduate in September.
Some exciting news is that next week Elder Jeffry R. Holland is coming to speak to the Youth and their leaders in our area.
I also planted a salsa garden so I will be busy canning and wondering why I even bother the boys eat it faster than I can make it.
My Last goal of my summer is to be more active by walking and biking. This is easier said than done.
I look forward to the wonderful summer that is ahead. It all goes so quickly Hopefully I can make this summer fun & memorable.