Friday, March 14, 2008

A birthday Wish

Today is my husband John or Jay's 46th birthday. I can't imagine my life without him. We have been together for over 26 years. He is my best friend.

A little bit about him is that he was born in Woodbury New jersey. He is the oldest son of John and Margot, He is a truck driver, his favorite things are food- pizza, sub sandwiches, steak, drink- diet Pepsi, color- dark green, pet- basset hound dogs, books- Tom Clancy, Music- classical and country, hobbies- dutch oven cooking, motorcycles, playing the tuba once in awhile, and singing.

He is a good father, friend and husband. He is a funny sense of humor and a great laugh and smile.


1 comment:

Rebekah said...

ok, so I am a horrible sister in law!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAY!!!

How was the wedding?