Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Andy!

Today my son Andy is turning 24. I have to admit that I enjoy my children more now as adults, but at the same time it makes me feel old. Here are some fun things and pictures about ANDY

He doesn't like to be called Andrew
He likes Nurvana

He loves to watch sports mostly baseball and college football

He loves any kind of food especially hot spicy foods

He dislikes tater tots and oranges

He is currently attending USU in Logan majoring in writing

He has worked for a few cabinet making companies before attending school

He is the Second assistant in the Elders Quorum in his single ward

He loves science fiction movies and books, he loves to read and write

He plays the Bass violin

He served an LDS mission in Connecticut 2004

He is very smart and helpful. We love him and he is a great guy to have in our family. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW JAMES RIEHLE

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