Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A fun labor Day

These are only a few pictures that I have to show. My card was full and it didn't save them.

For Labor day weekend my sister Tammy and her daughter Savannah came for a visit. We worked on scrap books, shopped for scrapbook supplies (hopefully she will get hooked on scrapbooks they are so fun!) and we made zucchini quiche. I wanted to take her to see the movie Mama Mia because I have been listening to the sound track all week at work and I love ABBA'S music.

I really liked the movie and we both cried when she sang the song to her daughter on her wedding day. It is definitely a chick flick. Our husbands were worried about us because we went to the late show and they made sure we went straight home. Which we did. Let's face it we are not party girls.

The next day Jay picked up Charlie in his semi truck on his way home from California. When they got home we made a picnic and headed up Logan Canyon. We enjoyed the shady spot that the guys found and it was right next to the river, but the bugs liked our picnic just as much as we did. So we didn't stay long. We next went to Sunrise peak and overlooked the Bear Lake valley. It was very beautiful there and we got a glimpse of a moose.

Lacey brought her friend Lexie with, because we are too boring for her. Charlie had fun teasing the girls by pretending to throw grasshoppers at them but they were really pebbles.

And since we came all that way we had to get the famous fresh raspberry shakes in Garden City. Savannah said that raspberries look like our brains. She is so cute and she says the funniest things. We ate in a covered wagon outside the ice cream store and Savannah had a ginormous ice cream cone which was melting faster than she could eat it.

We headed home very happy and tired. We gave a sticky Savannah a bath and we all talked and listen to some music and finished eating our picnic.

Our week end was very nice and I am so glad that I could finally spend sometime with my sister and her family.

1 comment:

Tulabell said...

I had a lot of fun too! I think Savannah and I will have to come out more often now that I am no longer working on Fridays. What do you think?