Thursday, November 13, 2008

My favorite season

This is my favorite time of the year. When the weather changes the leaves fall and the cool nights begin. I enjoy making warm soups and stews and warm apple crisps. I love to curl up to a good book with a hot cup of cocoa or just watch TV or movies in my pj's.
I am a homebody by nature and I love taking care of my family and my home. Every year I work on projects for Christmas. Last year I made recipe books and stockings and pj pants. This year I am making pillow cases and I am working on scrapbooks. I also plan on making yummy treats and goodies to share with everyone.
I am also trying to keep things simple. By simplifying things there is less stress.
I am also enjoying this season of my life. I have more time for myself and I am able to do the things that I enjoy. I am learning more about myself. I enjoy my grown kids they are fun to be around. It is a great accomplishment to have almost all of my children raised. And knowing that you did your best. I also enjoy being a grandma even though it is a long distance. I can't wait until my son and his wife come for a visit, and of course little Rocky.
Many people don't enjoy the cold days or the long winter nights or the feeling of an empty nest but they give me a feeling of peace and security. I love the holidays and the chance to be with my family and friends in celebrations. I am enjoying this season of my life. What season are you in your life?


Tulabell said...

You and Jay are such good parents. I am glad you are enjoying getting to know yourself better. There is nothing more satisfying than figuring it all out and feeling your true self identity. I have a ways yet to go, but I have also learned who I am thus far and it is good to like yourself.
I am looking forward to Thanksgiving. I love to make warm soups and stews this time of year also. If I could only stay away from the bread!
I am in a season in my life right now, but I am not sure what you would call it. It's definately a new chapter of self exploration and wanting to be a better person as a Christian which I think would make me a better mother, wife, and individual all around. I need to be. I have always felt like the baby girl and I would like to be the woman that I am capable of.

Rambling Rita said...

I wish I could get as excited over the holidays as you do. I really never have. Maybe when the kids were little I did. I don't like the cold and the dark but I admit I do love the music and lights of Christmas. I don't like the commercialism of it. I am praying that I will have a nice and peaceful holiday and be able to get through the rest of the dreary winter.