Monday, April 6, 2009

My Family

I want to spot light my family and my extended family I think I will start off with my father in law John Walter Riehle since today would have been his 70th birthday.

John was born in Lewis burg Pennsylvania. His parents were Richard Dale Riehle Sr. and his mother was Mary Em Gaskins. He had an older brother named Richard. Who now lives in California with his wife Sera.

As a boy John loved trains, to day dream ,riding his bike and pop cap guns. He would hang out with more adults than children his own age and he was always befriending strangers. Many times he would bring home homeless and less fortunate people for his mother to feed. His entire life he always gave more than he received.

John loved to sing. He was in an all men's choir the Mendelson men's choir. He would have loved to be in the Mormon Tabernacle choir but his health and fiances would not let him live this dream. He loved to play the trumpet and he even played with doc Severnson in the original Philadelphia Band Stand.

John joined the church when he was 19 and decided to go to BYU. There he met Margot and they were married in 1959. They had hoped for many Children which they had 7 of them Nicia, Jay(John), Kevin,Matt,Robbie, Chris, Danny. He loved being a grandpa he has 38 grandchildren and counting and 2 great grandchildren.

John had a strange sense of humor. He told story and jokes and sang songs that he had made up.

He got to have his dream job.He worked for the LDS Church, he worked recording church books , magazines and other material for the blind.

John had several health problems. He had diabetes, and heart conditions. He had a lot of life still in him but his health problems shortened his life. He died on March 31 1998.

I would describe my father in law as a giving , talented, hot tempered, a dreamer, he was obnoxious most of the time but he was kind and a smart man. He had always struggled to provide for his family but they never went hungry or were in need of basic material things. He was a very giving man and we think he was special.

Happy Birthday John Walter Riehle

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