Monday, March 24, 2008

A wonderful wedding!

A Wonderful Wedding!
A Wonderful Wedding! We had a wonderful time with J.J. or John as everyone calls him there. He has a brother in law named J.J. so it gets confusing at times. We met Sam and her family we love her and we are so thankful that she is our daughter now and she is very good for John and we also got to see the sonogram pictures of our grandson. We can't wait until July when Lacey and I are going to stay for awhile and help out Sam. At the wedding it was a nice ceremony and Sam was beautiful and John was very handsome. I even danced with all my sons except Andy he is to stubborn to dance. We also met up with Jay's brother Kevin and his family. It was so good to visit with them.Our trip was fun but very long. We are definitely going to fly next time. We did some site seeing on the way there and home. We stopped at Kearney Nebraska at a museum about our countries migration to the west. It was a lot of fun and we learned a lot about the history of traveling. On our way home we went to Nauvoo. Very fun and interesting we didn't have much time so we will have to go back for a real vacation. We are so happy for our son and we loved going there and seeing him and Sam. Hopefully they can visit us in Utah someday.

1 comment:

Rambling Rita said...

I was glad to read about the wedding. It's exciting you are going to be a grandmother. We got a trailer and are thinking of going to Crystal Hot Springs soon to try it out. Then we can visit with you as well.