Friday, April 4, 2008

Is it spring yet?

I love spring it is my second favorite holiday. But spring is sure taking its time to come our way.

Despite the cold weather our family has been on the go.

Jay recently came back from North Carolina it was a good trip but a long one. Right before his trip he had an abscess tooth and he had to get it pulled and a drain tube put in so the infection could drain out. He is all right now but it took a lot out of him. He is looking forward to spring because he can ride his motorcycle.

I have been working extra because a lot of people take off to play this time of year so they ask if I can fill in for them. I like the extra money but spring break was to short I am looking forward to the summer. Last Sat. was the young women conference in Salt Lake and we took our older girls the Laurels to see it and we spent the whole day seeing all the church sites and eating at Olive Garden. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed the message our leaders gave us.

I am looking forward to spring because our 25th anniversary is coming up. We are going to Eden Utah at Wolf Creek resort. My Mother in law has time share there and we are going to have a fun weekend away.

J.J. and Sam are doing all right. John( we are going to call him John from now on) has to get wrist surgery he hurt it while working at Big O. But he will be all right he is young and strong. Sam is doing all right as well. The baby's name is going to be John Rockford Riehle he is due to arrive on July 16. They are going to call him RockyLacey and I will go to see her and try to help in every way.

Andy is still plugging away at his job in Salt Lake and he is going to try to go to summer school at the college. He looks forward to spring he loves baseball he loves the Mariners even though they don't win a lot he still likes them.

Peter is in Jones borough and he is finally teaching a part member family. This spring he will be out in the field about a year now. Wow it went by fast.

Alex just got his wisdom teeth out. He is doing all right and he is not to swollen but still in a little pain. He can't miss anymore school because he missed so much in March because of our trip. He is looking forward to spring he will hopefully graduate in May.

This spring Lacey is having a recital for piano she picked a song from Cinderella Dreams come true. She loves her piano teacher this year she is doing a lot better. Her last one was very good but extra hard and she didn't keep up with the lessons she was always sick or something else got her distracted from teaching.

Our family would love to here what you are doing this spring. Hopefully it will be fun!

1 comment:

Tulabell said...

Glad you are all doing well. I know what you mean about spring. Our spring break is in a week, Jake is going to earn some money doing some of the stuff around the yard and garage that Charlie and I haven't done since last summer. I hate working all the time just for that very reason, it seems that the big cleaning and upkeep projects are so hard to keep up on when you only have one day off to really focus on doing it and that you have to add with the regular chores and shopping and trying to spend family time together. I love my new job and when I feel more confident in what I am doing, I will either telecommute or do a flex plan so I can have more time spent at home and taking better care of it. Love you!