Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Catching up

Just a few things our family has been doing since I have blogged.
Alex is going to be graduating in one week. I can't believe how fast time goes by. It feels like yesterday I was sending him to his first day of school. I am very happy and proud of him. He has tested my patience but he is a great kid. For awhile I didn't think I could get all the boys to graduation they all are smart but they never applied themselves. It is smooth sailing from here. I only have Lacey to go and she is a better student than the boys ever were.
Andy is going to be switching majors. Instead of pre law he would like to go into writing and journalism. He is going to move back home for a short time and go to USU.
J.J. and Sam are doing fine. J.J. has surgery on June 4. He will be out of work for awhile but he can help Sam out while she is waiting for the baby to arrive. Which is on July 9th. Lacey and I will be flying out to visit them on July 4th. We will stay a couple of weeks and Jay will pick us up in his semi truck. If you are interested Sam is registered at Wal-mart for the baby I think you just type in her name and maybe the due date.
Peter is doing well he would like more letters and a e mail once in awhile his address in . We got to chat with him on mothers day and he sounds very happy being a missionary. He is having a birthday on the 27th of May he will be turning 20. Send him birthday wishes he needs our support.
Lacey is excited to end the school year. She will become a teenager over the summer. Ugh! She already looks 15 or 16 . Lacey is planted a garden this year. Hopefully it isn't going to be a weed garden. She is planing on raising a 4 H lamb again this year and she hopes that she gets star choice. She is also interested in learning tennis. Maybe our city recreation has classes. I doubt it we are somewhat small and not many people are interested in tennis. We might have to teach ourselves.
Jay planted 2 cherry trees on Sat. We hope we don't kill them. Jay loves cherries and he remembers as a kid sitting in the tree eating them until he was so sick. He also has finally put the finishing touches on the picnic table it looks great! I hope to get some batteries in my camera soon so I can show you the pictures of the table and the new windows. my house looks like a new house. In the future we hope to put up a deck and paint.
I am winding down my work we only have 6 days to go. I have a lot of plans this summer. I am trying to get my house deep cleaned, my yard weed free, house painted, I am going to girls camp in June and to Indiana in July. I am also working at the free summer lunch program. If anybody is interested in helping me with my plans don't hesitate I am more than willing to receive help.
I sometimes think my life is moving to fast I wish I could slow down the time or the demands of everyday life. I here it doesn't get slower but only faster. Is your life as crazy as mine?


Rebekah said...

WOW!!! I thought we were busy! I guess it does get busier as time flies! :O) We got Alex's grad card today. Anything he'd like? Have fun with everything this summer! What is JJ and Sam's address. I'd like to send them something for the baby. Does she have a nursery theme?
Tell everyone hi for us!!!

Tulabell said...

Time flies, and I am meaning to send Alex a card for his big accomplishment...we need to get together sometime~! Miss you...