Thursday, December 3, 2009


Well it has been a long time since I have blogged. A lot has happened. Thanksgiving has come and gone. I hosted it this year. It has been a few years since I have had thanksgiving with my in laws and I wanted to have it at our place. But it is hard to fit 28 people in our house so we reserved the 2nd kitchen at our church house. It was kind of nice not to big and not to small. We had lots of food. I learned how to de bone a turkey and it turned out really good.
Jay dutch oven the ham and we had lots of pie and games afterwards. It was a good Thanksgiving all in all and I am so grateful for all the wonderful blessings I have been given.
Other news is I had to get a root canal. My old root canal failed because they found 6 roots in that tooth most teeth only have 4. The last dentist didn't find all of them. So I had to go to a endodontist. But I am feeling much better now or until I get the bill.

Seymour our basset hound just returned from the vets. We thought it best that Bella and him shouldn't be parents of mutant puppies.
Lacey got to see New Moon the first day it opened. Me and Jay took 4 of her friends to the show while we went to the movie Blind side. I love these kind of movies. and I really like Sandra bullock movies. It was fun to be with all those teenage girls. I try to cherish each moment I have with her even those moments you want to tear your hair out.
We also gave Lacey a driving lesson in her dad's pick up truck. She did really well and now she wants us to let her drive everywhere. I keep telling her She is only 14!
Pete is getting ready to leave us for the wild west of Wyoming. He enters Wyo Tech on my birthday. We are leaving on the 26th and dropping him off at Laramie and then we are heading to Indiana to see J.J., Sam and Rocky.
It should be fun to see all of them especially Rocky. But it wont be so fun driving.
I am just starting my Holiday shopping and I am at a loss on what to get everyone. The boys say they don't want anything and Lacey wants expensive things. I just wanted a hot cocoa maker and they already got me that. I really would like the commercial part of Christmas to go away. But I still love the holidays and decorations, fun movies and holiday baking.
All in all everyone is doing fine. We hope that your families have a good Christmas season just in case I don't get around to blogging soon.

1 comment:

Tulabell said...

One thing you could do is go shopping with Lacey (who probably loves to shop) and buy for Toys for Tots and give there. That would be fun. I love giving I guess. I've thought many times this year to not even have presents or a tree but to focus only the real meaning, however some old habits don't always die. Sounds like you had a great holiday. Hope to see you guys soon.