Thursday, February 25, 2010


This month went so fast! I can't believe it will be march in a few days. I am so tired of the cold and the snow, we have had so much of it. I am looking so forward to spring!
I finally made a decision on what to replace my beat up old kitchen floor and hallway with.
I decided that a hard wood would get to much wear and tear with the kids and the dogs and it is also hardwood is pricey. So I went with a laminate wood product that looks great and easy to install. It will be easy for me since Jay is going to install it.
I am also going to paint the kitchen and hallway and color other than white.
I am most likely going to paint it a tan. I am always fearful color but I am going to be brave this time.
After we are done it will feel like a whole new house. I am so excited for the final results. but I know we have a lot of work ahead of us.

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