Friday, February 5, 2010

Winter Blahs

Well I have broken my first New Years resolution. I wanted to keep up with my blog and facebook. But January has slipped on by and before you know it it will be spring. I think it is that I can't find the time to write or I have nothing new to say or both.
Life right now is kind of quiet at our house. Lacey is just going to school and hanging out with her friends. We are thinking of getting an exchange student for the summer. Lacey can get her sister after all.
Alex is working at Wendy's and trying hard to get the manager position. He is looking to taking some night classes.
Peter is doing well in Wyoming. He has completed his air conditioning course. Peter has been attending the singles ward and they recently called him to be a missionary. He plans on coming for a visit sometime this month and again in March during spring break. I think he is a little home sick because he calls us almost every night. Most of his roommates party on their time off. So he has to entertain himself.
Andy has been going to school and studying hard. He was working a ta recycling place, but it closed up and now he just concentrate on his studies.

J.J. and his family are doing fine. He is working the night shift at the bakery. The kids are growing fast and we miss them so much! Sam had a birthday in January and she is doing fine with her job and taking care of everyone.

I have been busy doing my everyday things. I did get a little break in January. My sisters took me and my mom out for our birthdays. We went to Benihanas to eat and then we went to the Capital to see a Opera called Carmen. I had never done anything like that before so it was a real treat! Afterwards I slept over my sister Tammy's house I love spending time with my sister and her family I hope she don't ever move far away. Work is going well, other than they cut my paid lunch. but I at least still have a job. I finally got a new dishwasher. I am very proud of us we didn't charge it we paid cash for it.
Jay has been so busy with work. This time of year is very stressful with the weather and the road conditions. He is thankful for a his job. A lot of people are out of work in our community they laid off 380 ATK employees last week. So we are not complaining to much.
All in all life at our house is good. But I wish it would stop snowing. Don't you think that 2 feet is enough. I can't wait until spring!

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